Tuesday, 7 February 2012



It is no surprise at all if you find the path to heaven is a narrow one. But don't be afraid and disappointed with God's plan. In fact, it is great news that no one is able to reach its destination by his own doing. This is because no one is perfect and therefore can be saved by our own action of doing good.
Because of His great love of all creatures especially man which was created out of His image. This One big plan, had never been changed or altered since day one when the world was created. This plan has been recorded in the Scripture. From the old testament, we were told that there is no one, from Moses to King David, who was ever perfect. 
As a result of God's love of His own creatures, He even sent His only begotten Son to save the world. The formula of one man (Adam's) sin, the whole world sin. Similarly, this sin can only be redeemed through one Man i.e Christ. Read John 3:16. By believing in Him, you can only be saved. This is because such grace will then be bestowed to us so to speak.
This is consistent to what Apostle Paul said in Romans    ..............if we can be saved by our own action, then Christ's death on the cross was in vain. God knows that due to the sin inherited from Adam, we cannot save ourselves from our action, even if we were united and work together toward this destination.
The good news here is that God know our limitation and stand by us to help us at any time so long as we extend our hands to this Mighty God. In order to strengthen us to overcome all these challenges, we need to open our hearts to Him. Acknowledging Him is the very first step towards this destination. By doing so, we can then open our hearts and souls voluntarily to Him. The ultimate outcome of repentance will occur. Once repentance takes place, He will then be able to remove all impurities from our hearts so that we are able to see the way He wants us to see. 
This simple process is called "born again". It may sound irrational to out natural understanding. God knew in advance that we may have difficulties to apprehend this. As a result, Jesus had to explain to Nicodemus, who was the prominent Priest at that time. No surprise at all if we are not able to apprehend it.
What is more important is that you are able to see His plan and how much love He has for us. Believe in Him is the key to the destination.  This is the plan He has for us so that we can be saved. By believing in Him, He is not taking control of us. This is because He still fulfills His promise of giving us our free will. Our free will will decide whether to follow Him or take our own path. Therefore, the choice is still with us. One thing you must understand is that by following our own free will, we will not be able to enjoy all the fruits He promises us.
For us to enjoy these fruits, we need to be guided so that we can act according to His will. By then, your flesh will not feel the pain and or discomfort; either physically, mentally or spiritually. But, you still can claim joy just like all the great man recorded in the Scripture - overwhelm by the joy no matter what situation they are in. In short, untouchable and unstoppable at all - well demonstrate the greatness of God's power.
Trust the above article will help you to see God's grace to a certain extent. Amen.

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