Wednesday 13 April 2011


Change is unavoidable, so is uncertainty.
Uncertainty is a permanent part of our lives.
No surprise that we rarely say that we are certain.
Despite some times we are certain.

Life is a choice.
As such, we are consistently called to make decisions,
directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly.
That is reality
yet we are constantly making these decisions with limited intelligence.

It is the truth,
yet most of the times, we refuse to accept it.
We are always naive and do not submit to this truth.
Is it because of our pride ?
or is it of something else.

We can never find the answer,
unless we learn to embrace the fact of not knowing everything.

Even the great leaders lead without knowing it all.
Great leaders do not eliminate uncertainty, but learn to navigate through it.
Great leaders lead despite the shadows of uncertainty.

Great leaders recognize that clarity of vision is more important than certainty of the outcome.
Every day, we are expected to make decisions regarding our business, our relationships, our marketing, our ideas, and our strategies.
These decisions are made even though we don’t always have the answers.

I guess this is life.
If we knew everything that was going to happen, we would not need to experience it.
Without such an experience,
There would be nothing to attain, achieve or acquire.

One thing is certain.
Whether you have been and what you have done in the past.
Where we are going is always new, and most often uncertain.

As such, what is the point of worrying of the future.
Just take it as it comes.
Live your life and enjoy every moment of it.
To live, we need to lead within.

James Oh

Skype me at james.oh18

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